20 Ways to Enhance Your Child's Self-Esteem FREE GUIDE
Aug. 16, 2023

#24: Nurturing Young Minds: The Importance of Teaching Kids Thinking Skills with Brain Engineer ST Rappaport

In today's rapidly evolving world, where challenges are increasingly complex and dynamic, fostering strong thinking skills in children has become more crucial than ever. By equipping kids with the ability to think critically, solve problems creatively, and make informed decisions, we set them on a path to success in both their academic journey and future endeavors. In this episode my guest ST Rappaport explores the significance of teaching thinking skills to kids and shares specific exercises that can help nurture their cognitive functions.

ST is a brain engineer and a certified Feuerstein method trainer.  In 5th grade she still couldn't read properly.  She had some weak areas in her cognitive functions. By solving the core issue and improving her thinking skills, (the skills behind all skills) she changed her life around. Today, after years of training and implementation, she works with entrepreneurs to help them rewire their brain to become more efficient and grow their business while experiencing more inner peace. 

What's exciting is that you can always improve your cognitive functions.  Take this assessment to see how strong each of your cognitive functions are.

Get in touch with ST:

The Real Life Momz Podcast - Unlock your inner superpower and reach your highest potential


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